While many wonderful commercial software packages exist for visualising scientific data (such as the widely used Interactive Data Language), I found they were cumbersome for particle-based data. Much of what I wanted to do was specific to SPH, like interpolating to an array of pixels using the kernel. While generic routines exist for such tasks, I could not explain how they worked, and they were slow. Also, while interactive gizmos are handy, it was more difficult to perform the same tasks non-interactively, as required for the production of animations. The major work in the visualisation of SPH data is not the image production itself but the manipulation of data prior to plotting. Much of this manipulation makes sense within an SPH framework.
splash is designed for this specific task - to use SPH tools to analyse SPH data. Publishable images and animations can be obtained efficiently from the raw data with a minimum amount of user effort. The development of powerful visualisation tools has enabled me to pick up on effects present in my simulation results that I would not otherwise have noticed — the difference between a raw particle plot and a rendered image can be substantial. A key goal of splash is to eliminate the use of crap-looking particle plots as a means of representing SPH data.
What it does
splash is a utility for visualisation of output from (astrophysical) simulations using the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) method in one, two and three dimensions. It is written in modern Fortran and utilises giza, a custom-build backend graphics library to do the actual plotting. The following features are included:
Rendered plots of particle data to an array of pixels using the SPH kernel
Cross section slices through 2D and 3D data (as both particle plots and rendered images).
Fast projections through 3D data (i.e., column density plots, or integration of other quantities along the line of sight)
Surface renderings of 3D data.
Vector plots of the velocity (and other vector quantities), including vector plots in a Cross section slice in 3D.
Rotation and animation sequence generation for 3D data.
Automatic stepping through timesteps, making animations simple to produce.
Interactive mode for detailed examination of timestep data (e.g. zooming, rotating, stepping forwards/backwards, log axes, adapting limits).
Remote visualisation via simple X-Windows forwarding
Multiple plots on page, including option to automatically tile plots if \(y-\) and \(x-\) limits are the same.
Plot limits can be fixed, adaptive or particle tracking.
Exact solutions for common SPH test problems (e.g. shock tubes, sedov blast wave).
Calculation of quantities not dumped (e.g. pressure, entropy)
Plotting in different coordinate systems (e.g. cylindrical coordinates), for both coordinates and vector components
Straightforward production of both bitmap (png) and vector (eps, pdf) images which can then be converted into animations or inserted into LaTeX documents.
Examples of plots produced with splash can be found in the gallery or by looking at papers with figures produced using splash.
What it doesn’t do
splash is geared towards gas dynamics simulations with SPH and has basically grown out of my visualisation needs. Thus it is not particularly useful for things like water and solids in SPH. An SPH visualisation tool geared towards the non-gaseous side of things you may want to have a look at is pv-meshless, by John Biddiscombe.
splash also doesn’t make coffee.
splash, the paper
The algorithms implemented in splash are not described here, but instead described in a paper [Price07], available from:
This paper should be cited if you use splash for scientific purposes, and please do so as it is my only form of thanks.
Version History
3.11.1: (06/12/24)
bug fix with type recognition in sphNG data read, better wrong endian error message (thanks to Matthew Bate)
recognise sphNG format correctly even if the dump is big endian
use kappa in opacity rendering if present in the dump file (thanks to Mike Lau)
3.11.0: (25/11/24)
opacity rendering done in parallel
compute bad pixel fraction in splash calc lightcurve
option to write fits cube in splash calc lightcurve (thanks to Fitz Hu)
–kappatot option computes opacities using formula from Matsumoto & Metzger (2022)
read grad(E) as a vector in phantom snapshots (thanks to Mike Lau)
add SYSTEM=ifx for new intel compiler (thanks to Lionel Siess)
splash calc tdiffuse option for photon diffusion time along each axis
improved label recognition and read all header quantities in GIZMO HDF5 data read
plot cross-sections by default if plotting fits data cube
bug fix reading phantom snapshots with APR
better docs on making movies (thanks to Alison Young)
bug fix in vtk data read
bug fix in follow-the-label column recognition in non-cartesian coordinates (thanks to Lionel Siess)
3.10.3: (04/03/24)
bug fix reading type information from phantom dumps introduced in 3.10.2
3.10.2: (01/03/24)
reads phantom dumps with adaptive particle refinement
improved splash to phantom conversion
better documentation of splash calc lightcurve (thanks to Chunliang Mu)
saving dust density limits now applies to all dust species
3.10.1: (4/12/23)
bug fix with accreted particles appearing in smoothed particle plots
automated Trad/Tgas in extra quantities from phantom dumps with radiation
3.10.0: (30/11/23)
–sort flag to sort filenames for comparison plots
–movie flag to automatically make movie from sequence of files
giza backend now supports direct output of mp4 movies
3.9.0: (06/11/23)
follow-the-label column choice, where if a label is selected for plotting from the first file, it will automagically shift to find the matching label in subsequent files, even if the column containing the quantity has changed
implemented vtk reader capable of reading snapshots from Shamrock code
apply transparency to smoothed particle plot only if adaptive smoothing used
plot colour bar by default when particle colouring by quantity is used
can read velocity array from fits header for position-position-velocity cubes
bug fix with first page being white with smoothed particle plots on black background
bug fix finding .comp file if underscore in the directory name
3.8.5: (23/10/23)
implemented smoothed particle plots with multiple steps per page
allow for .cols and .comp file in current directory even if the filepath is not the current dir
sphmoments utility added
added routine to extract velocity dimension from fits files
bug fix with repeated string replacements giving endless backslashes in labels
bug fix reading long filenames in denoise
3.8.4: (18/08/23)
various bugs fixed in GADGET data reader
auto-recognise GADGET block format
improved conservation checks in splash to grid (thanks to Avi Chen)
better handling of AREPO data
bug fix with timestep not advancing
no longer ask about particle types in multiplot if only one type present
3.8.3: (05/07/23)
flip option (f/F in interactive mode) now persists across timesteps and works in snapshots other than the first
bugs fixed in Tipsy data read (thanks to Alex Pettitt)
auto-recognition of Tipsy binary formats implemented
show units labels in calculated quantities list
3.8.2: (12/05/23)
phantom data read looks for .comp file containing additional composition data
also looks for .cols file containing any extra columns with one row per particle
recognise opacity if extra quantity called “kappa” calculated
3.8.1: (01/05/23)
seg faults in auto-magic exact solution mapping fixed
longer line limit in determining number of columns in ascii/exact solution files
automatically handle log in exact solution labels (e.g. logR, logT)
3.8.0: (26/04/23)
plots multiple renderings with transparent background if more than one timestep per page selected
auto-magically map exact solution columns onto splash columns
added –exact=file1,file2 to switch on plotting of exact solution from file(s)
added –track=maxdens and –origin=maxdens to track/recentre on maximum density
pressing backspace over legends deletes them
use density weighted and normalised rendering by default in projection plots of vector fields
3.7.2: (21/02/23)
bug fix recognising labels like v_{phi} on command line, can now use -r vphi
3.7.1: (09/02/23)
libexact build failure fixed
3.7.0: (09/02/23)
splash calc extinction computes column density to all sink particles in the simulation
bug fix with rendering vector components (e.g. vr) in non-cartesian coordinate systems
bug fix with both quantities appearing in black and white when double rendering
3.6.0: (31/10/22)
skip particles with zero weight in interpolation, large speedup in some cases (thanks to T. Bending)
splash calc plus and splash calc minus for adding/subtracting snapshots
added –origin=6245 flag to centre the origin on particle 6245
added –hdu=1 flag to read from a particular hdu in a fits file
use wcs coordinates / arcseconds for fits images if present in header
option –dense to reset to densest clump in phantom/sphNG data read (thanks to J. Wurster)
3.5.1: (20/06/22)
bug fix with autolog limits
build failures in libexact and libread fixed and now tested
recognise labels on command line e.g. -r density
limits option for centred cube (thanks to J. Wurster)
3.5.0: (17/06/22)
bug fix with blank lines in splash.titles
bug fix with large line lengths in csv files
allow blank labels in csv headers
bug fix with display of column labels from ascii/csv files
log colour bar by default when using -r flag if more than 3 orders of magnitude range
3.4.0: (24/03/22)
density weighted interpolation now applied automatically to projection plots of quantities that are not densities
added flags –codeunits or –code to enforce code units from command line
successfully parse csv files where some of the fields are character strings
3.3.5: (01/03/22)
bug fix with disappearing sinks in phantom MPI dumps
3.3.4: (21/01/22)
improved visual appearance of normalised renderings with free boundaries
automatically read planet-wake parameters from phantom file headers
added –wake=1,3 flag to plot wake from sink particle 3 around star 1
bug fix with disappearing sinks in phantom MPI dumps
fixed seg fault in fits reader
3.3.3: (19/11/21)
“splash to csv” exports to comma separated variable (.csv) format
automatically apply -ev flag for filenames ending in .ev, .mdot or .out
improved label recognition from ascii file headers
additional divergent colour schemes (thanks to Sahl Rowther)
deal with merged sink particles from phantom (thanks to James Wurster)
bug fix with units resetting to 1
skip blank and comment lines in splash.filenames
3.3.2: (20/07/21)
bug fix with -dev flag
silenced unnecessary dust warnings in sphNG read
change-of-limits animation sequence works for vector plots
automatic recognition of ndspmhd format
3.3.1: (19/07/21)
f/F in interactive mode flips y axis on 2D plots to next column
gradual transparency in double rendering rather than sharp cutoff
removed S from main menu as now redundant
allow longer paths with -dev flag
added –xmin,–xmax,–ymin,–ymax flags for manual margin adjustment
bug fix with relativistic corrections in splash calc lightcurve
3.3.0: (20/05/21)
bug fix with surface density plot with physical units on
splash calc lightcurve computes spectra from local blackbody emission if T and kappa given
lightcurve now performs frequency-dependent ray tracing
added “–anglex”,”–angley”,”–anglez” flags
can add labelled arrows by typing ^ in interactive mode, also delete/edit
capital M, 0 or ncols+1 from main menu gives multiplot
added -multi flag for multiplot from command line
3.2.1: (26/04/21)
added –xsec=1.0 and –kappa=1.0 flags to specify cross section position and opacity, respectively
specifying –xsec automatically switches from projection to cross section
specifying –kappa turns on opacity rendering
bug fix in splash calc tracks
can use –track=1,2,3 to specify list of particles
3.2.0: (20/04/21)
disable ALL prompts if any command line flags set
all environment variables can now be given as command line flags using lower case string after last underscore e.g. SPLASH_CENTRE_ON_SINK=1 becomes –sink=1 on command line
useful options include –corotate, –sink=1, –debug and more
splash to grid recognises flags including –periodic, –npix=100,100,100 and –convert=1,4
added -gandalf and -f gandalf as shortcut for seren data read
assume default xw device and disable device prompt if any command line flags set
s/S options now do the same thing
3.1.1: (31/03/21)
automatically plot y vs x given a two-column data file
planet wake coordinate system added
bug fix with SPLASH_COROTATE
bug fix reading phantom dumps when number of particles of each type does not match itype array
bug fixes in grid2pdf
3.1.0: (16/02/21)
splash calc lightcurve implemented
sink particles ON by default
changing units rescales plot limits correctly
further improvements to ray tracing / opacity rendering with physical opacity
can change units temporarily without writing .units file
auto-select closest velocity and mass unit and better default time unit in phantom/sphNG read
error message if Inf or NaN read from .units file
bug fix with units prompt
floating colour bars are white not black
automatically write copyright in Hollywood mode
auto-render fits files
read softening length from phantom sinks if accretion radius is zero
3.0.2: (20/01/21)
opacity rendering uses physical value of kappa, can also use opacity defined on particles
can track multiple particles with ‘splash calc tracks’ by specifying ids in splash.tracks file
support for SWIFT code in gadget_hdf5
auto-recognise format for .csv files
improved starsmasher data read
improved physical unit selection
exact solution lines can be plotted in background colour
bug fix for dead particles in phantom dumps
seg fault in fits reader fixed
seg fault in gadget data read fixed
bug fix in x-menu options
3.0.0: (26/08/20)
Unified splash binary with -f flag to specify format
automated format recognition for phantom, gadget (and hdf5 variants) and fits
cleaner d) menu
splash is compiled in double precision by default
rotation settings used in splash to grid to rotate particles
bug fix in mbatesph data read
pysplash utility for reading SPH data formats into python, and libraries
2.10.1: (24/06/20)
exact solution can appear in legend
can also plot under data
fits reader and denoise utility can read/write spectral cubes
text shapes can print header variables using %(var)
can shift cross section by precise amounts in interactive mode using number followed by u/d
fits reader includes header quantities
reduced verbosity for non-interactive plots
use of fake dust particles is now via menu option, not environment variable
max particle types = 24
userguide in readthedocs format
bug fix with save limits with particle tracking
support for .pfm pixelmap format as output
physical units are ON by default
prompts only for particle types present in data
2.10.0: (14/02/20)
much improved splash to grid - bug fixes with pixel number and roundoff error
use Petkova (2018) method for sub-pixel rendering to 3D grid and 3D projections
added bytestream output formats for splash to grid and splash to ascii
can press number and -/+ to zoom out/in by that factor in interactive mode
use SPLASH_COROTATE=1,3 to corotate with arbitrary pair of sink particles
SPLASH_COROTATE also gives velocity field in corotating frame
splash to ascii can write particular columns by setting SPLASH_CONVERT=1,4
plasma beta correct in both code and physical units
working fits reader and splash-denoise utility
2.9.1: (08/11/19)
cleaner menu options for units and calculated quantities
surface rendering allowed with 3D perspective turned off
automatic labelling of grain sizes in density and column density plots
adaptive limits on log colour bars show 3 dex range by default
auto-adjust limits to device aspect ratio works with multiple panels
bug fixes with r-z rendering
Toomre Q prompts for mass
2.9.0: (05/04/19)
general header quantities are read and available in function parser
more robust label detection and parsing during ascii data read
splash to grid works in non-cartesian geometries
added flared and log-flared coordinate systems
Doppler shift colour bar
can customise line style and colour when plotting multiple exact solutions
seg faults fixed
better plot tiling decisions
disappearing arrows bug fix
Rafikov disc- planet exact solution added
atan2 implemented in function parser
various multigrain phantom read fixes (incl. seg faults)
exact rendering implemented in 2D
libsplash implemented for use as Python splash backend
2.8.0: (06/04/18)
360/4pi video mode added
automatically read labels from ascii file headers
nearest sensible unit (e.g. au or pc) used by default
cactus hdf5 data read
kernel-smoothed particle plots of arbitrary quantities
Viridis, Ocean and Inferno colour schemes
can customise line colours
Bondi flow exact solution
option for ticks but no labels
correct units in surface density plots
colour bar on top or left
support for multi-grain dust in Phantom
bug fix with NaNs in ascii files
2.7.0: (03/05/17)
Hollywood mode added (ctrl-m in interactive mode)
better handling of dust/gas phantom data
added rotated cartesian geometry
rendering implemented in r-phi coordinates
added Fortran 2008 intrinsics to function parser
better rectangle plotting
better falcON data read
Ogilvie-Lubow exact solution for planet-disc interaction
tipsy read now works when splash compiled in double precision
splash to gridascii2 implemented
bugs with r-phi rendering fixed
2.6.0: (22/10/15)
SILO, falcON and .pbob data reads implemented
bug fixes in gadget-hdf5 reader
can recognise particle types in ascii read
more robust sphNG read
dust fraction recognised in phantom data read
Toomre Q works in physical units
bug fix with disappearing units labels
bug fix in shock tube exact solution
added splash calc delta
splash to ascii keeps precision
better power spectra
2.5.1: (29/01/15)
error bar style options
support for 5K displays
can plot vectors and render with colours if h not read
range restrictions apply during splash to grid
improved line-style legend
now up to 6 line styles
fixes to amuse-hdf5 read
phantom read handles star/dm particles
various bugs fixed
2.5.0: (22/08/14)
instant multiplots by giving multiple columns as y axis
ability to plot multiple exact solution files on same plot
compiles in parallel by default
support for tagged sphNG/Phantom format
AMUSE hdf5 format reader added
various bug fixes
2.4.1: (01/04/14)
Roche-lobe plotting vastly improved
newunit= issue fixed
bug fix with reading sink velocities from Phantom
other minor bug fixes.
2.4.0: (21/02/14)
time formatting in legend can include general functions like %(t + 1000)
option to include sinks in opacity rendering
supports one-fluid dust visualisation
C-shock exact solution
better polytrope solution
2.3.1: (11/11/13)
SPLASH_COROTATE option to plot in frame corotating with sinks
bug fixes with handling of dead/accreted/boundary particles in sphNG/phantom
various other bugs fixed.
2.3.0: (09/08/13)
can customise time formatting in legend
improvements to legends
less verboseness
splash can read and plot pixel maps produced with -o ascii
3D vector field plotting improved
bug fix with gfortran 4.8
2.2.2: (10/05/13)
particle tracking by type implemented
can interpolate specific columns in splash to grid
SPLASH_CENTRE_ON_SINK option generic to all data reads
Aly Reheam format added
option for 2nd y axis on plots
bug fix with X11 linking on Ubuntu
can read gadget ICs files
2.2.1: (21/02/13)
minor bug with axes plotting fixed
Wendland kernels added
bugs with exact solution plotting fixed
bug fix with tracking of dark matter particles
2.2.0: (16/11/12)
option to use different kernels for interpolation
floating/inset colour bars added
splash to gadget conversion implemented
splash to grid works in 2D
improved interfaces to shapes and animation sequences
automatically turns on dark matter particle plotting if no gas
interactive mode help displayed automatically
2.1.1: (31/08/12)
irregular/circular particle selection using shift-left/middle click
improved h5part and GADGET HDF5 data reads
splash can be compiled in double precision
bug fixes with calculated quantities + change of coordinate systems
improved vector plot legend
option for box+numbers but no labels added
2.1.0: (16/05/12)
3D vector field visualisation added
GADGET HDF5 read implemented
page sizes can be specified in pixels
limits can auto-adapt to device aspect ratio
more general exact solution from file option
tiling works with one colour bar per row
splash calc handles different particle types
2.0.0: (29/08/11)
new giza backend - antialiased lines
real fonts
pdf, eps and svg drivers
fewer build dependencies (only cairo, X11)
support for semi-transparent text
Double rendering (with transparent background) implemented.
1.15.0: (29/08/11)
Multiplot with different particle types implemented
calculated quantities list is now pre-filled automatically
preliminary support for r-phi and r-z rendering
outlined solid markers implemented
better handling of multiple types
manual contour levels can be specified in splash.contours
parallel splash to grid
better support for non-square pixels
clipping of numbers at edge of viewport fixed
1.14.1: (17/03/11)
SEREN data read added
dragon read updated
build follows Gnu conventions on DEST and DESTDIR (needed for macports build)
can have up to 12 particle types
exact solutions re-ordered
dusty wave exact solution added
1.14.0: (06/12/10)
Can flip between rendered quantities in interactive mode using ‘f/F’
SPLASH_DEFAULTS variable can be set for system-wide defaults
can plot arbitrary functions of x,t as exact solution
asplash better handles blank lines in header and can specify time, gamma location with env. variables
added data read for the H5PART format
GADGET read across multiple files implemented
VINE read works with particle injection
error bars can be plotted for both x and y axis simultaneously
default rotation angles are set if 3D perspective turned on
new directory layout and more helpful error messages during build
PGPLOT linking is easier to get right.
1.13.1: (26/02/10)
bugs with new calc_quantities module fixed
generic library interface implemented so backend can be changed easily
bug fix with auto pixel selection
simpler foreground/background colour setting
added subgrid interpolation warning
1.13.0: (25/02/10)
function parser incorporated
calculated quantities can now be specified at runtime, arbitrary function plotting implemented as an exact solution
command-line SPH->grid conversion (“splash to grid”) implemented
ctrl-t in interactive mode adds arbitrary text box
better line style/colour changing
bug fix with tiling and y-axis labels
various other bug fixes.
1.12.2: (15/07/09)
Variable marker sizes added, can plot particles as circles with size proportional to h
dark matter rendering with block-labelled GADGET format fixed
VINE read handles star particles
TIPSY read with ifort10.0.0 works
snsph read added
splash to phantom added
does not override labels for coords, vectors by default
bug fixes with contouring options
stability bug fixes with older compilers
more robust memory handling
bug fix with automatic pixel selection causing seg fault.
1.12.1: (20/04/09)
Can edit/delete text shapes interactively, also the colour bar label
can customise the label on projection plots
contour levels better defined
option for numeric labelling of contours
contour limits can be set separately to render limits for same quantity
minor bug fixes.
1.12.0: (22/12/08)
Command-line plotting implemented
ln transform added
bug fixes in GADGET read
Backspace over annotation (legends,titles,axes,colour bar) in interactive mode removes it
“splash calc” command line utility calculates time sequences of global quantities from a sequence of dump files
bug fix causing seg fault.
1.11.1: (13/10/08)
automatic number of pixels and exact pixel boundaries implemented
mass does not have to be read from dump file
frame changes are per-page not per-dump file for animation sequences
lower stacksize footprint
bug fix with circles of interaction
bug fixes with block-labelled GADGET read
Steve Foulkes data read added.
1.11.0: (15/08/08)
ability to use subset of particles in restricted parameter range(s)
probability density function plot option
plot-hugging colour bars added
ability to annotate plot with a range of shapes
v,V,w and H implemented in interactive mode for >1 panel
various bug fixes (including one with vphi).
1.10.2: (08/05/08)
disc surface density / toomre q parameter plotting added
flash colour schemes added
splash to binary convert option
can change order in which particle types are plotted
splash.columns file overrides column label settings
vanaverbeke format read
various bug fixes.
1.10.1: (11/03/08)
“splash to” command line option converts binary dumps to ascii format
vector plots + rotation now implemented
block labelled GADGET format read
ring-spreading exact solution added.
1.10.0: (28/11/07)
horizontal colour bars implemented
-p, -o command line options
can have mixed types in data reads
TIPSY and DRAGON data reads
density weighted rendering
normalisation applies to column density plots
improved particle tracking
save as option
various bug fixes
1.9.2: (12/09/07)
improvements to ascii read including asplash -e option
smarter foreground/background colour changing for titles
min=max problem fixed (caught by splash not pgplot)
fixed vector arrow length option
other minor changes and bug fixes
1.9.1: (11/07/07)
environment variables + improvements to gadget data read
better prompting
3 new colour schemes
improved legend/title options
other minor changes
1.9.0: (21/05/07)
animation sequences implemented
origin settings now affect radius calculation and are relative to tracked particle
automatic line width choice for postscript devices
w key adapts vector arrows
vastly improved userguide
1.8.1: (28/03/07)
option to hide vector arrows where there are no particles added
smoother 3D plotting at low pixel numbers
smoother vector plots
bug fixes with a)
issues with round-off error with z integration of vectors fixed.
1.8.0: (14/03/07)
hidden particles not used in rendering
units for z integration added
& g) implemented in interactive mode for multiple-plots-per-page
improved cross section using x in interactive mode
1.7.2: (19/02/07)
Menu shortcuts implemented
bug fix/ more sensible transformation of angular vector components in different co-ordinate systems
improvements to interactive zoom and origin recentreing
improved colour-by-type option
restrictions on page size removed
minor bug fixes
1.7.1: (04/01/07)
command line options for defaults and limits files added
minor bug fixes
1.7.0: (13/12/06)
renamed SPLASH instead of SUPERSPHPLOT
much faster data read for gadget and sphNG reads (only required columns read)
physical units can be saved to file
new menu formats
various other bug fixes
1.6.2: (24/10/06)
fast particle plotting and streamline plotting implemented
more bug fixes with interactive mode on multiplots
various other bug fixes
1.6.1: (24/8/06)
bug fixes to 1.6.0, further improvements to interactive mode on multiplots
1.6.0: (10/8/06)
Interactive mode on multiple plots per page
highly optimised interpolation + parallel version
new Makefile
various bug fixes
1.5.4: (06/7/06)
Handles multiple SPH/non-SPH particle types
axes redrawn after rendering
minor bug fixes
1.5.3: (27/6/06)
minor bug fixes/improvements to multiple plots per page
colour bar labelling tiled plots
Accelerated rendering option for projections.
1.5.2: (11/5/06)
“S)” option for saving limits and defaults
MUCH faster interactive replotting (no unnecessary re-rendering)
a few other minor things
1.5.1: (26/4/06)
docs updated for v1.5, other minor changes
1.5.0: (17/3/06)
3D perspective added
3D opacity rendering
improved rotation, colour schemes
adjustable vector arrows (+legend)
improved timestepping behaviour
speed enhancements
physical unit rescaling
1.0.5: (28/9/05)
error calculation for exact solutions
legend for plot markers
exact_densityprofiles added
more colour schemes
unit rescaling improved
other minor changes + bug fixes
1.0.4: (17/8/05)
better colour schemes
interactive colour scheme changing
various minor changes and bug fixes
1.0.3: (5/7/05)
rescale data option
better page setup
improved zooming
interactive particle tracking
various minor changes and bug fixes
1.0.2 :
much improved ascii data read
better line plotting
zoom on powerspectrum plots + various bug fixes
1.0.1 :
bug fixes relating to colour bars on multiplots
1.0.0 :
first official release
version given to many people at IPAM meeting and put on web
splash - a visualisation tool for SPH data ©2004-2023 Daniel Price and contributors. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.