Other useful functionality

Conversion of binary data files to ascii

splash has a command line feature which can be used to convert binary SPH dump files into ascii format. The syntax is

splash to ascii dump001 dump002 dump???

which will convert all of the dump files listed on the command line into ascii format (called dump001.ascii, dump002.ascii etc.), with columns as would be listed in the main menu if you opened the dump file in splash . Note that the output includes calculated extra quantities such as the radius if these have been turned on [in the d) menu] and the settings saved to the splash.defaults file. Similarly the data will be output in physical units if a splash.units file is present.

For other command line options, see Command line options.

Conversion of binary data files to csv

To export data in csv format, just use:

splash to csv dump001 dump002 dump???

which will convert all of the files listed on the command line into csv format (called dump001.csv, dump002.csv etc.), with columns as would be listed in the main menu if you opened the dump file in splash.

See also Command line options.

Interpolation of SPH data to 2D and 3D grids

splash has a command line feature which can be used to read binary SPH dump files and output 3D gridded data in a variety of formats. The syntax is

splash to grid dump001 dump002 dump???

which will interpolate the density, velocity (if present) and magnetic field (if present) onto a 3D grid and output the results to files (the default output format is ascii, with one file for each quantity interpolated). Other data columns in the SPH file can be interpolated using the “allto” option, which interpolates all of the columns to the grid:

splash allto grid dump001 dump002 dump???

The grid interpolation uses the \(x\), \(y\), and \(z\) limits — as saved to the splash.limits file — for the box, and the grid size is given by the “set number of pixels” option in the r)ender menu — as saved to the splash.defaults file. Automatic pixel determination also works (if npixels = 0) but there is a sensible upper limit placed on the grid size determined in this manner to avoid ridiculous memory/disk usage. Options can be set to change various aspects of the grid interpolation behaviour. For example you to use periodic boundary conditions use:

splash to grid dump001 --periodic

or alternatively you can set this as an environment variable:

splash to grid dump001

To change the number of pixels, you can use:

splash to grid dump001 --periodic --npix=100,100,000

and to interpolate only columns 4 and 5 you can use:

splash to grid dump001 --periodic --npix=100,100,000 --grid=4,5

For all possible output formats, use splash --help or see the full list of command line options in Command line options.

Reading 3D cubes or grids generated by splash to grid into Python

ascii format

The default output of splash to grid is a simple ascii file per quantity. The header of this file explains the format:

# SPLASH: A visualisation tool for SPH data (c)2004-2023 Daniel Price and contributors
# snap_012_density_grid.dat produced using "splash to grid" on file snap_012
# time:
#   4.7619100E-02
# xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax:
#   -5.000000E+02   5.0000000E+02   -5.0000000E+02   5.0000000E+02   -5.0000000E+02   5.0000000E+02
# file contains:
# density interpolated to 3D cartesian   x,y,z grid
# written in the form:
#   do k=1,nz
#      do j=1,ny
#         write(*,*) (dat(i,j,k),i=1,nx)
#      enddo
#   enddo
# grid dimensions:
# nx   ny   nz
        512         512         512
 2.435691E-08   2.478849E-08   2.522732E-08   2.567299E-08   2.612505E-08   2.658309E-08   2.704713E-08   2.75

To read this file into Python you can use np.loadtxt with a reshape command:

import numpy as np
arraytmp = np.loadtxt('snap_012_density_grid.dat',skiprows=22)
array = arraytmp.reshape((512,512,512))

binary format

Reading and writing pure text files can be slow. For this reason splash provides a variety of binary output formats for gridded data:

Grid conversion mode ("splash to X dumpfiles"):
   splash to grid         : interpolate basic SPH data (density, plus velocity if present in data)
                            to 2D or 3D grid, write grid data to file (using default output=ascii)
          to gridascii    : as above, grid data written in ascii format
          to gridascii2   : grid data written in ascii format, all in one file
          to gridbinary   : as above, grid data in simple unformatted binary format:
                               write(unit) nx,ny,nz,ncolumns,time,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax [ 4x4,7x8 bytes ]
                               write(unit) (((rho(i,j,k),i=1,nx),j=1,ny),k=1,nz)  [ 8 bytes each ]
                               write(unit) (((vx(i,j,k), i=1,nx),j=1,ny),k=1,nz)  [ 8 bytes each ]
                               write(unit) (((vy(i,j,k), i=1,nx),j=1,ny),k=1,nz)  [ 8 bytes each ]
                               write(unit) (((...(i,j,k),i=1,nx),j=1,ny),k=1,nz)  [ 8 bytes each ]
          to gridstream   : grid data in byte-stream binary format (e.g. for python):
                             nx,ny,nz,ncolumns,time,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax,rho [ 4,4,4,4,8*7,8*nx*ny*nz ]

For reading in python the most useful is the “gridstream” format:

splash to gridstream snap_012 --npix=512,512,512

which produces a file called:

----> WRITING TO snap_012.gridstream on unit 89 (unformatted binary stream)

we can then read this file into Python as follows:

import numpy as np
with open("snap_012.gridstream", "rb") as file:
  nx, ny, nz, ncolumns = np.fromfile(file, dtype=np.int32, count=4)
  time, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax = np.fromfile(file, dtype=np.float64, count=7)
  rho = np.fromfile(file, dtype=np.float64, count=nx * ny * nz)
rho_array = rho.reshape((nx, ny, nz))

Using splash to calculate global quantities as a function of time.

splash has a command line feature that can be used to calculate global quantities on the particles as a function of time, for example kinetic, thermal, magnetic and total energy, total linear and angular momentum. An example to calculate the energies in a sequence of dump files is:

splash calc energies dump001 dump002 dump???

Other options are given by typing ’splash calc’, which currently has the following options:

splash calc energies     : calculate KE,PE,total energy vs time
                           output to file called 'energy.out'
       calc massaboverho : mass above a series of density thresholds vs time
                           output to file called 'massaboverho.out'
       calc extinction   : column density to all sink particles vs time
                           output to file called 'extinction.out'
       calc max          : maximum of each column vs. time
                           output to file called 'maxvals.out'
       calc min          : minimum of each column vs. time
                           output to file called 'minvals.out'
       calc diff         : (max - min) of each column vs. time
                           output to file called 'diffvals.out'
       calc amp          : 0.5*(max - min) of each column vs. time
                           output to file called 'ampvals.out'
       calc delta        : 0.5*(max - min)/mean of each column vs. time
                           output to file called 'deltavals.out'
       calc mean         : mean of each column vs. time
                           output to file called 'meanvals.out'
       calc rms          : (mass weighted) root mean square of each column vs. time
                           output to file called 'rmsvals.out'
       calc tracks       : track particle data vs time for selected particles,
         --track=1,2,3    output to tracks-1.out,tracks-2.out,tracks-3.out
       calc timeaverage  : time average of *all* entries for every particle
                           output to file called 'time_average.out'
       calc ratio        : ratio of *all* entries in each file compared to first
                           output to file called 'ratio.out'

For the energies and massaboverho options to be successful, splash must be aware of the locations of the corresponding columns in the data (i.e., by the column identification given in the set_labels routine corresponding to the data read). For the massaboverho option an input file is required specifying the density thresholds (a default version is written if the appropriate file is not already present).

Using splash to calculate line-of-sight extinction to sink particles

For observations one is often interested in how much obscuring material is present in front of stars in a model. In splash stars are usually represented as sink particles, so there is a simple command line function to compute the column density of material between the observer and each “star”.

To compute this, use:

splash calc extinction dump_0*

which will produce something like:

-----> CALCULATING EXTINCTION, TIME= 8.80E+02 yrs FILE #   20

projecting from particles to points...

     Sigma to sink 1 =  1.63E-07 [g/cm^2]
     Sigma to sink 2 =  1.19E-03 [g/cm^2]
     Sigma to sink 3 =  2.18E-06 [g/cm^2]

and write the results to a file called “extinction.out”. Note that the observer is by default in the +z direction, but can be changed by setting the viewing angles on the command line or in the splash.defaults file:

splash calc extinction dump_0* --anglex=30. --angley=60. --anglez=120.

Similarly physical unit scaling will be applied based on what is saved in the splash.defaults and splash.units files. For example, to compute everything in code units you can just use the –code flag:

splash calc extinction dump_0* --code

Using splash to time average a series of files

The splash calc timeaverage command line option (see Using splash to calculate global quantities as a function of time.) can be used to produce a time average of a series of files from any splash-readable format. This computes the time-average of every individual entry in the file as represented in splash as a table of rows (or ‘particles’) and columns (or ‘quantities defined on particles’). The output is an ascii file with the same rows and columns, averaged over all the snapshots on the command line. The number of columns is doubled in the output, giving the standard deviation for each quantity in the corresponding column (e.g., the standard deviation for column 1 is output in column \(N + 1\)).

Examples of how this could be use might be to produce the time-averaged power spectrum from a series of ascii files containing power spectra for individual output times, or the time averaged probability density function (PDF) from PDFs produced by splash (see sec:pdfs:).

The resulting ascii file, called time_average.out can be plotted using the ascii splash binary (asplash).

For other command line options, see Command line options.

Reading/processing data into images without having to answer prompts

Previously, the only way to run splash non-interactively was to write a small shell script which runs splash and answers the prompts appropriately. For example:

cd plot
splash myrun* << ENDINPUT

which would plot the data in columns 2 and 1 and render the data in column 8 with output to file mypostscript.ps.

However, in more recent versions splash can be invoked with plot options on the command line. Thus to achieve the same as in the example given above we would simply use

splash myrun* -x 1 -y 2 -render 8 -dev /png

or simply

splash myrun* -r 8 -dev /png

which will assume sensible default values (2 and 1 respectively) for the y and x axes. Similarly a vector plot can be specified with -vec and a contour plot with -cont. The full list of command-line flags is given in Command line options.

If plotting options have been only partially specified on the command line, no prompts will appear for the remaining options and default values will be assumed for the remaining options. For example, the default device will be /xw giving an interactive plot.

Computing volume-weighted probability density functions from SPH data using SPLASH

The best way to compute a volume-weighted probability density function on SPH particles is to interpolate the density field to a grid and compute the histogram of the number of grid cells containing a given value of the desired quantity.

The grid2pdf utility included with splash can be used to compute the density PDF from gridded data output by the splash to grid utility (see Interpolation of SPH data to 2D and 3D grids).

To use this feature, you will need to output grids in “binary” format, e.g:

splash to gridbinary turb_00020

or if you want to skip the velocity interpolation (assuming density in column 6):

splash to gridbinary turb_00020 --grid=6

this produces a file called turb_00020.grid, then follow this with:

cd $SPLASH_DIR; make grid2pdf
cd -
$SPLASH_DIR/splash/bin/grid2pdf turb_00020.grid

which produces:


this is just a two-column ascii file, so you can then plot this with your favourite plotting tool, e.g.:

splash -ev turb_00020.grid_pdf_ln_density.dat

Using special characters in the plot labels

Several of the examples shown in this manual use special characters (such as the \(\int\) character) in the plot labels. In giza these can be specified using TeX-like escape sequences, or with the escape sequences used in pgplot. For example to plot the greek letter \(\rho\) we would use

label = 'this would print the greek letter \rho'

or, in pgplot-style:

label = 'this would print the greek letter \gr'

where \gr is the pgplot escape sequence for \(\rho\).

In giza , which uses real fonts rather than the bitmapped characters used in pgplot, special characters are implemented with unicode characters. Thus, you need to select a font that has the appropriate characters included. The font can be changed using the GIZA_FONT environment variable.

For other characters the procedure is similar. For example for the integral

\[\int v_x \mathrm{dx}\]

we would use the TeX-like expression

label = '\int v_x dx'

or equivalently, in pgplot-style

label = '\(2268) v\d x \u dx'

where \(2268) is the pgplot escape sequence for the integral sign. The \d indicates that what follows should be printed as subscript and \u correspondingly indicates a return to normal script (or from normal script to superscript). All of the escape sequences for special characters are listed in the appendix to the pgplot user guide.

WARNING: Note that the use of escape characters can be compiler dependent and may not therefore work on all compilers (for example the intel compiler needs the -nbs flag).

Outputting the raw pixel map to a file

The actual pixel map rendered to the graphics device (i.e., when a quantity is rendered to pixels, not for particle plots) can be output directly to a file, or series of files by using the -o command line option when you invoke splash. This is useful if you need to compare the image to the output from another code (e.g. using a different visualisation tool) or if you wish to have a “raw” rendering, that is without annotation on the plots.

Invoking splash with -o lists the currently implemented formats:

possible formats for -o option:
-o ppm   : dump pixel map to portable pixel map file
-o pfm   : dump pixel map to portable float map file
-o ascii : dump pixel map to ascii file

For example, to output the pixel map in ascii format, use:

splash discG_00300 -o ascii -r 6 -dev /png


> writing pixel map to file discG_00300_columndensitygcm2_proj.pix ...OK

This produces a file as follows:

$ more discG_00300_columndensitygcm2_proj.pix
# discG_00300_columndensitygcm2_proj.pix created by SPLASH
# Contains 2D pixel array 512 x 512 written as
#   do j=1,512
#      write(*,*) dat(1:512,j)
#   enddo
# column density [g/cm^2]: min =   9.697428E-12 max =   7.487661E+03
# x axis: min =  -4.000000E+03 max =   4.000000E+03
# y axis: min =  -4.000000E+03 max =   4.000000E+03
# 512 512
  0.000000E+00  0.000000E+00  0.000000E+00  0.000000E+00  0.000000E+00  0.000000E+00  0.000000E+00  0.000000E+00  0.000000E+00  0.000000E+0

The number of pixels in the image can be controlled using the ‘set number of pixels’ option in the (r)endering options (making sure you save the settings to the splash.defaults file using the (s)aving your settings).

Reading raw pixel maps from splash into Python

See above for how to output the raw pixel map to a file. The resulting .pix file can be read into Python using the command:

array = np.loadtxt('discG_00300_columndensitygcm2_proj.pix',skiprows=9)
print (array.shape)

A slightly more advanced script that also reads the x and y limits from the .pix file is provided in splash/scripts/plot_pix.py:

python plot_pix.py discG_00300_columndensitygcm2_proj.pix

For other command line options, see Command line options.