Changing plot settings

(s)aving your settings

  • Pressing s saves current options to splash.defaults.

  • Delete splash.defaults to revert all settings

  • Pressing S saves both splash.defaults and splash.limits (and any other files).

  • Typing sa or Sa gives a “save-as” option, changing the prefix of saved files

  • read defaults files saved with a different prefix using the -p option


Please enter your selection now (y axis or option):SA
enter prefix for filenames: (default="blah"):
default options saved to file blah.defaults
saving plot limits to file blah.limits
saving units to blah.units

Read this back using:

splash -p blah

Files saved by splash can also be edited manually. For example, splash.limits is a simple two-column ascii file containing minimum and maximum plot limits for each column. To reset the plot limits simply delete the splash.limits file.

set (m)ultiplot


Plotting more than one column from the same file on the same page (multiplot)

Press ’m’ (set (m)ultiplot) from the main menu to set up a multiplot.

Once you have gone through the options to set up a multiplot, to actually plot what you have set simply type the number of the column corresponding to “multiplot” at the \(y-\)axis prompt.


A “multiplot” - multiple columns plotted from the same file - is different to plotting “multiple plots per page” - divide the plotting page up into panels. The number of panels across and down on a page can be changed (see Dividing the plotting page into panels) irrespective of whether or not you are also plotting multiple columns from the same file.

Plotting each particle type in a different panel (multiplot)

To make a plot using different particle types in each panel (e.g. gas density in one panel, dust or dark matter density in another), use ’m’ set (m)ultiplot from the main menu. If multiple types are present in the data read, the option appears to specify the particular types you want to use for each plot.

For example, after pressing ‘m’ at the main menu we eventually arrive at the question:

use all active particle types? (default=yes): n

Answering no brings up a possible list of types:

 1: use gas particles
 2: use ghost particles
 3: use sink particles
 4: use star particles
 5: use unknown/dead particles
Enter type or list of types to use ([1:5], default=1): 1,3

Thus entering e.g. 1,3 specifies that only gas and sink particles should be used for this plot.


This is more specific than simply turning particle types on and off for all plots, which can be achieved via the turn on/off particles by type option in the particle plot (o)ptions (see Plotting non-gas particles (e.g. ghosts, boundary, sink particles)).

(d)ata options


The following can all be achieved from the d)ata options menu:

Re-reading the initial data / changing the dump file

Just exit splash and restart with the new dump file name on the command line (remember to save by pressing ’S’ from the main menu before exiting to save both the current settings and the plot limits – then you can continue plotting with the current settings using a new dump file).

If you have placed more than one file on the command line, then pressing space in Interactive mode will read (and plot) the next file (press ’h’ in Interactive mode for a full list of commands - you can move forwards and backwards using arbitrary jumps). For non-interactive devices or where Interactive mode is turned off dump files are cycled through automatically, plotting the same plot for each file/timestep.

Using only a subset of data files / plotting every \(n-\)th dump file

To plot a subset of the data files in *any* order, see sec:selectedstepsonly.

Of course, another way to achieve the same thing is to explicitly order the files on the command line. A method I often use is to write all filenames to a file, e.g.

> ls DUMP* > splash.filenames

then edit the file to list only the files I want to use, then invoke splash with no files on the command line:

> splash

which will use the list of files specified in the splash.filenames file.

Plotting more than one file without re-reading the data from disk

For small data sets (or a small number of dump files) it is often useful to read all of the data into memory so that you can move rapidly forwards and backwards between dumps (e.g. in Interactive mode, or where both dumps are plotted on the same page) without unnecessary re-reading of data from disk. This is achieved with the command line flag:

splash --buffer file_0*

(provided you have the memory of course!!). Non-buffered data means that only one file at a time is read.

Calculating additional quantities not dumped

Turn calculate extra quantities on in the (d)ata options. New columns of data can be created as completely arbitrary functions of the data read from the SPH particles. Option d1 in the data menu leads, for a typical data read, to a prompt similar to the following:

 Specify a function to calculate from the data
 Valid variables are the column labels, 't', 'gamma', 'x0', 'y0' and 'z0' (origin setting)
 Spaces, escape sequences (\d) and units labels are removed from variable names
 Note that previously calculated quantities can be used in subsequent calculations

 Examples based on current data:
           r = sqrt((x-x0)**2 + (y-y0)**2 + (z-z0)**2)
           pressure = (gamma-1)*density*u
           |v| = sqrt(vx**2 + vy**2 + vz**2)

Enter function string to calculate (blank for none) (default=""):

Thus, one can for example calculate the pressure from the density and thermal energy according by copying the second example given.


Function calculation is completely general and can use any of the columns read from the file, the time for each step (‘t’), the adiabatic index \(\gamma\) (‘gamma’) and the current origin setting (x0, y0 and z0). Previously calculated quantities can also be used - e.g. in the above example we could further compute, say, an entropy variable using s=pressure/density^gamma after the pressure has been specified. The resultant quantities appear in the main splash menu as standard columns just as if they had been read from the original data file.

The origin for the calculation of radius can be changed via the rotation on/off/settings option in the (x) cross section/3D plotting options. If particle tracking limits are set (see Making plot limits relative to a particular particle) the radius is calculated relative to the particle being tracked.

If you simply want to multiply a column by a fixed number (e.g. say you have sound speed squared and you want to plot temperature) - this can also be achieved by defining a unit for the column (i.e., a factor by which to multiply the column by) – see Plotting data in physical units for details. The corresponding label can be changed by creating a splash.columns file (or for the ascii read just a file called ‘columns’) containing labels which are used to override the default ones from the data read (one per line) – see Changing the default column labels for more details.

See also Plotting in different coordinate systems (e.g. cylindrical coordinates) for how to transform vectors (and positions) into different coordinate systems.

Plotting data in physical units

Data can be plotted in physical units by turning on the use physical units option in the (d)ata options. The settings for transforming the data into physical units may be changed via the change physical unit settings option in the (d)ata options. (see Changing physical unit settings)

For some data reads (phantom, sphNG, magma) the scalings required to transform the data into physical units are read from the dump file. These are used as the default values but are overridden as soon as changes are made by the user (that is, by the presence of a ‘splash.units’ file) (see Changing physical unit settings).


Physical units are now ON by default in v3.x of SPLASH if they are set by the data read. You can use this option to revert to code units

Rescaling data columns

See Plotting data in physical units.

Changing the default column labels

The labelling of columns is usually automatic in the data format read (for ascii files labels will be read from the file header). Aside from changing the labels in the read_data file specific to the format you are reading, it is also possible to override the labelling of columns at runtime by creating a file called splash.columns (or with a different prefix if the -p command line option is used), with one label per line corresponding to each column read from the dump file, e.g.

column 1
column 2
column 3
my quantity
another quantity


Labels in the splash.columns file will not override the labels of coordinate axes or labels for vector quantities (as these require the ability to be changed by plotting in different coordinate systems – see Plotting in different coordinate systems (e.g. cylindrical coordinates)).

Plotting column density in g/cm\(^{2}\) without having x,y,z in cm

See Changing physical unit settings. In addition to units for each column (and a unit for time – see Changing the time units) a unit can be set for the length scale added in 3D column integrated plots. The prompt for this appears after the units of either \(x\), \(y\), \(z\) or \(h\) has been changed via the change physical unit settings option in the (d)ata options. The length unit for integration is saved in the first row of the splash.units file, after the units for time.

See Changing the label used for 3D projection plots for details on changing the default labelling scheme for 3D column integrated (projection) plots.

Changing physical unit settings

The settings for transforming the data into physical units may be changed via the change physical unit settings option in the (d)ata options. To apply the physical units to the data select the use physical units option in the (d)ata options.

The transformation used is \(new= old*units\) where old is the data as read from the dump file and new is the value actually plotted. The data menu option also prompts for a units label which is appended to the usual label. Brackets and spaces should be explicitly included in the label as required.

Once units have been changed, the user is prompted to save the unit settings to a file called splash.units. Another way of changing units is simply to edit this file yourself in any text editor (the format is fairly self-explanatory). To revert to the default unit settings simply delete this file. To revert to code units turn use physical units off in the (d)ata options.


A further example of where this option can be useful is where the \(y-\)axis looks crowded because the numeric axis labels read something like \(1\times 10^{-4}\). The units option can be used to rescale the data so that the numeric label reads \(1\) (by setting \(units=10^{4}\)) whilst the label string is amended to read \(y [\times 10^{-4}]\) by setting the units label to \([ \times 10^{-4}]\).

Changing the axis label to something like \(x\) \([ \times 10^{4} ]\)

See Changing physical unit settings.

Changing the time units

Units for the time used in the legend can be changed using the change physical unit settings in the (d)ata options. Changing the units of column zero corresponds to the time (appears as the first row in the ‘splash.units’ file).

(i)nteractive mode


The menu option i) turns on/off Interactive mode. With this option turned on (the default) and an appropriate device selected (i.e., the X-window, not /png or /ps), after each plot the program waits for specific commands from the user. With the cursor positioned anywhere in the plot window (but not outside it!), many different commands can be invoked. Some functions you may find useful are: Move through timesteps by pressing space (b to go back); zoom/select particles by selecting an area with the mouse; rotate the particles by using the \(<\), \(>\),[, ] and \(\backslash\), / keys; log the axes by holding the cursor over the appropriate axis and pressing the l key. Press q in the plot window to quit Interactive mode.

A full list of these commands is obtained by holding the cursor in the plot window and pressing the ‘h’ key (h for help).


Changes made in Interactive mode will only be saved by pressing the ‘s’ (for save) key. Otherwise pressing space (to advance to the next timestep) erases the changes made during Interactive mode. A more limited Interactive mode applies when there is more than one plot per page.

Many more commands could be added to the Interactive mode, limited only by your imagination. Please send me your suggestions!

Adapting the plot limits

Press a in Interactive mode to adapt the plot limits to the current minimum and maximum of the quantity being plotted. With the mouse over the colour bar, this applies to the colour bar limits. Also works even when the page is subdivided into panels. To adapt the size of the arrows on Vector plots, press w. To use “adaptive plot limits” (where the limits change at every timestep), see Using plot limits which adapt automatically for each new plot.

Making the axes logarithmic

Press l in Interactive mode with the mouse over either the x or y axis or the colour bar to use a logarithmic axis. Pressing l again changes back to linear axes. To use logarithmic labels as well as logarithmic axes, see Using logarithmic axes labels.

Cycling through data columns interactively

Use f in Interactive mode on Rendered plots to interactively ‘flip’ forwards to the next quantity in the data columns (e.g. thermal energy instead of density). Use ’F’ to flip backwards.

Colouring a subset of the particles and retaining this colour through other timesteps

coloured particles

Fig. 6 Example of particles coloured interactively using the mouse (left) and selection using a parameter range (right), which is the same as the plot on the left but showing only particles in a particular density range (after an intermediate plot of density vs x on which I selected a subset of particles and hit p)

In Interactive mode, select a subset of the particles using the mouse (that is left click and resize the box until it contains the region you require), then press either 1-9 to colour the selected particles with colours corresponding to plotting library colour indices 1-9, press p to plot only those particles selected (hiding all other particles), or h to hide the selected particles. An example is shown in the left panel of Fig. 6. Particles retain these colours between timesteps and even between plots. This feature can therefore be used to find particles within a certain parameter range (e.g. by plotting density with x, selecting/colouring particles in a given density range, then plotting x vs y in which the particles will appear as previously selected/coloured). An example of this feature is shown in the right panel of Fig. 6 where I have plotted an intermediate plot of density vs x on which I selected a subset of particles and hit p (to plot only that subset), then re-plotted x vs y with the new particle selections.

To “un-hide” or “de-colour” particles, simply select the entire plotting area and press 1 to restore all particles to the foreground colour index.

Particles hidden in this manner are also no longer used in the rendering calculation. Thus it is possible to render using only a subset of the particles (e.g. using only half of a box, or only high density particles). An example is shown in Fig. 7.

To colour the particles according to the value of a particular quantity, see Using coloured particles instead of rendering to pixels.


Selection in this way is based on the particle identity, meaning that the parameter range itself is not preserved for subsequent timesteps, but rather the subset of particles selected from the initial timestep. This can be useful for working out which particles formed a particular object in a simulation by selecting only particles in that object at the end time, and moving backwards through timesteps retaining that selection.

Working out which particles formed a particular object in a simulation

This can be achieved by selecting and colouring particles at a particular timestep and plotting the same selection at an earlier time. See Colouring a subset of the particles and retaining this colour through other timesteps for details.

Plotting only a subset of the particles

To turn plotting of certain particle types on and off, see Plotting non-gas particles (e.g. ghosts, boundary, sink particles). To select a subset of the particles based on restrictions of a particular parameter or by spatial region see Colouring a subset of the particles and retaining this colour through other timesteps.

Rendering using only a subset of the particles

Particles can be selected and ‘hidden’ interactively (see Colouring a subset of the particles and retaining this colour through other timesteps) – for Rendered plots ‘hidden’ particles are also not used in the interpolation calculation from the particles to the pixel array. An example is shown in Fig. 7, where I have taken one of the rendered examples in Basic splash usage, selected half of the domain with the mouse and pressed ’p’ to plot only the selected particles. The result is the plot shown.

rendering with subset of particles

Fig. 7 Example of Rendered plots using only a subset of the particles. Here I have selected only particles on the right hand side of the plot using the mouse and hit ’p’ to plot only those particles.


Selection of data subsets is by default based on particle identity – the same particles will be used for the plot in subsequent dumps, allowing one to easily track the Lagrangian evolution of a patch of gas. See Using a subset of data restricted by parameter range to select by fixed parameter ranges (e.g. to only show particles in fixed density range).


A range restriction can be set in Interactive mode by selecting the restricted box using the mouse and pressing x, y or r to restrict the particles used to the x, y (or r for both x and y) range of the selected box respectively. Pressing S at the main menu will save such range restrictions to the splash.limits file.

Tracking a set of particles through multiple timesteps

See Rendering using only a subset of the particles.

Taking an oblique cross section interactively

It is possible to take an oblique Cross section through 3D data using a combination of rotation and Cross section slice plotting. To set the position interactively, press x in Interactive mode to draw the position of the Cross section line (e.g. on an x-y plot this then produces a z-x plot with the appropriate amount of rotation to give the cross section slice in the position selected).


Interactively selecting a Cross section will work even if the current plot is a 3D column integrated projection. In this case the setting projection or cross section changes to cross section in order to plot the slice.

(p)age options


Options related to the page setup are changed in the p)age submenu.

Overlaying timesteps/multiple dump files on top of each other

It is possible to over-plot data from one file on top of data from another using the plot n steps on top of each other option from the (p)age options. Setting \(n\) to a number greater than one means that the page is not changed until \(n\) steps have been plotted. Following the prompts, it is possible to change the colour of all particles between steps and the graph markers used and plot an associated legend (see below).


This option can also be used in combination with a multiplot (see set (m)ultiplot) – for example plotting the density vs x and pressure vs x in separate panels, then with \(n > 1\) all timesteps will be plotted in each panel.

When more than one timestep is plotted per page with different markers/colours, an additional legend can be plotted (turn this on in the le(g)end and title options, or when prompted while setting the plot n steps on top of each other option). The text for this legend is just the filename by default, if one timestep per file, or just something dull like ’step 1’, if more than one timestep per file.


To change the legend text, create a file called splash.legend in the working directory, with one label per line. The position of the legend can be changed either manually via the legend and title options in the (p)age options, or by positioning the mouse in Interactive mode and pressing G (similar keys apply for moving plot titles and the legend for Vector plots – press h in Interactive mode for a full list).

Plotting results from multiple files in the same panel

See Overlaying timesteps/multiple dump files on top of each other.

Plotting more than one dump file on the same page

This is slightly different to “plotting more than one dump file on the same panel”

Changing axes settings

Axes settings can be changed in the (p)age options, by choosing axes options. The options are as follows:

-4 : draw box and major tick marks only;
-3 : draw box and tick marks (major and minor) only;
-2 : draw no box, axes or labels;
-1 : draw box only;
 0 : draw box and label it with coordinates;
 1 : same as AXIS=0, but also draw the coordinate axes (X=0, Y=0);
 2 : same as AXIS=1, but also draw grid lines at major increments of the coordinates;
 3 : draw box, ticks and numbers but no axes labels;
 4 : same as AXIS=0, but with a second y-axis scaled and labelled differently
10 : draw box and label X-axis logarithmically;
20 : draw box and label Y-axis logarithmically;
30 : draw box and label both axes logarithmically.

Turning axes off

Plot axes can be turned off by choosing axes options in the (p)age options or by deleting them using the backspace key in Interactive mode. See Changing axes settings for more details.

Turning axes labels off

Axes labels and numbering can be turned off via the axes options option in the (p)age options or by deleting them using the backspace key in Interactive mode. See Changing axes settings for more details.

Using logarithmic axes labels

Logarithmic axes (that is where the quantity plotted is logged) can be set via the apply log or inverse transformations option in the (l)imits menu or simply by pressing l with the cursor over the desired axis (or the colour bar) in Interactive mode. By default the axes labels reads \(log(x)\) and the number next to the axis is \(-4\) when \(x\) is 10\(^{-4}\). Logarithmic axes labels (i.e., where the label reads \(x\) and the number next to the axis is \(10^{-4}\) with a logarithmic scale) can be specified by choosing the axes options option in the (p)age options and setting the axes option to 10, 20 or 30 as necessary (see Changing axes settings for more details).

Plotting a second, rescaled y-axis on the right hand side of a plot

A second y axis can be added by selecting the axis=4 option in the axes option in the (p)age options (see Changing axes settings). This will prompt for the scaling and alternative label:

enter axis option ([-4:30], default=0): 4
enter scale factor for alternative y axis ([0.000:], default=1.000): 10.0
enter label for alternative y axis (default=""): y [other units]

Changing the size of the plotting surface

The physical size of the viewing surface used for plotting can be changed via the change paper size option in the (p)age options. This affects the size of the X-window (if plotted to the screen) and the size of .png or images generated (if plotted to these devices). Several preset options are provided or the paper size in x and y can be explicitly specified in inches or pixels.

Dividing the plotting page into panels

The plotting page can be divided into panels using the subdivide page into panels option in the (p)age options. For multiple plots per page (i.e., nacross \(\times\) ndown \(> 1\)) a more limited Interactive mode applies (basically because the data used for the plots is no longer stored in memory if there is more than one plot on the same page meaning that functionality such as selecting particles must be turned off).

Tiling plots with the same \(x-\) and \(y-\) axes

Plots with the same \(x-\) and \(y-\) axes are tiled if the tiling option from the (p)age options. Tiling means that only one axis is shown where multiple plots share the same x or y axis and that the plots are placed as close to each other as possible. For Rendered plots a shared colour bar is plotted which spans the full length of the page.

Using non-proportional scales for spatial dimensions

By default if the x and y axes are both spatial coordinates, the axes are scaled proportionately. This can be changed via the spatial dimensions have same scale option in (p)age options.

Using non-square axes on coordinate plots

See Using non-proportional scales for spatial dimensions.

Changing the character height for axes, labels and legends

The character height used for axes, labels and legends can be changed via the (p)age options. The character height is relative to the paper size where 1.0 = 1/40th of the page height. The page height can be changed in Changing the size of the plotting surface.

Using a thicker line width on plots

The line width used for axes and text can be changed via the (p)age options.

Changing the foreground and background colours

The background and foreground colour of a plot can be changed via the set foreground/background colours option in the (p)age options. Note that the background colour setting has no effect on postscript devices (see Producing figures for LaTeX documents for more details).

Plotting axes, legends and titles in white even when the labels are plotted in black

By default, axes, legends and titles are plotted in the foreground colour (e.g. black). However if the plot itself is also largely black (e.g. Rendered plots when lots of particles are plotted) it can be useful to overplot those parts of the axes and labelling which lie on top of the plotting surface in the background colour (e.g. white). A prompt for this is given when setting the set foreground/background colours option in the (p)age options.

The prompt appears as follows:

---------------- page setup options -------------------
 9) set foreground/background colours
enter option ([0:8], default=0):9
 Enter background colour (by name, e.g. "black") (default=""):white
 Enter foreground colour (by name, e.g. "white") (default=""):black

 Overlaid (that is, drawn inside the plot borders) axis
 ticks, legend text and titles are by default plotted in
 the foreground colour [i.e., black].

Do you want to plot these in background colour [i.e., white] instead ? (default=no):y

In the above I have selected a background colour of white, a foreground colour of black. Answering yes to the last question means that those parts of the axes which lie on top of the viewing surface (and any labels) will be plotted in white (the background colour) instead of the foreground colour (black).

le(g)end and title options


Adding titles to plots / repositioning titles

Plots may be titled individually by creating a file called splash.titles in the current directory, with the title on each line corresponding to the position of the plot on the page. Thus the title is the same between timesteps unless the steps are plotted together on the same physical page. Leave blank lines for plots without titles. For example, creating a file called splash.titles in the current directory, containing the text:

plot one
plot two
plot three

and positioning the title using the default options, will produce a plot with one of these titles on each panel.

Turning off/moving the time legend

The position of the time legend can be set interactively by positioning the mouse in the plot window and pressing ’G’. To set the position non-interactively and/or change additional settings such as the justification, use the time legend on/off/settings option in the le(g)end and title options.

Changing the text in the time legend

The text which appears the time legend (by default this is t=) can be changed via the time legend on/off/settings option in the le(g)end and title options.

To rescale the value of the time displayed in the time legend (default value is as read from the dump file), see Changing the time units.

Making the legend read ‘z=’ instead of ‘t=’

See Changing the text in the time legend. An option to change the legend text is provided in the time legend on/off/settings option in le(g)end and title options. The numeric value of the time legend is as read into the time array in the read_data routine. This value can be rescaled by setting a unit for time (see Changing the time units).

Plotting the time legend on the first row/column of panels / nth panel only

An option to plot the time legend on the first row or column of panels or on a single panel only appears in the le(g)end and title options.

Plotting a length scale on coordinate plots

An option to plot a length scale (i.e., |---| with a label below it indicating the length) on coordinate plots (i.e., plots where both \(x-\) and \(y-\)axes refer to particle coordinates) is provided in the le(g)end and title options.

Annotating a plot with squares, rectangles, arrows, circles and text

Use the annotate plot option in le(g)end and title options to annotate plots with a range of geometric objects (squares, rectangles, arrows, circles and text) with full control over attributes such as line width, line style, colour, angle and fill style.

Text annotation can also be added/deleted in Interactive mode using ctrl-t (to add) and the backspace key (to delete). Text can also be added to plots by adding titles (Adding titles to plots / repositioning titles) which can be different in different panels. Text labels added using shape annotation differ from titles by the fact that they must appear the same in each panel and are positioned according to the world co-ordinates of the plot (rather than relative to the viewport). Shape text can also be displayed at arbitrary angles.

An option to plot length scales (|---|) on coordinate plots is implemented separately via the plot scale on coordinate plots option in le(g)end and title options.

Adding your name to a plot/movie

Arbitrary text annotation can be added/removed in Interactive mode using ctrl-t (to add) and the backspace key (to delete) or via the annotate plot option in the le(g)end and title options.

particle plot (o)ptions


The following are tasks which can be achieved via options in the particle plot (o)ptions.

Plotting non-gas particles (e.g. ghosts, boundary, sink particles)

Particles of different types can be turned on or off (i.e., plotted or not) using the turn on/off particles by type option in particle plot (o)ptions. This option also prompts to allow particles of non-SPH types to be plotted on top of Rendered plots (useful for sink or star particles - this option does not apply to SPH particle types). Turning SPH particle types on or off also determines whether or not they will be used in the rendering calculation (i.e., the interpolation to pixels). This particularly applies to ghost particles, where ghost particles will only be used in the rendering if they are turned on via this menu option.

(The fact that particles of a given type are SPH particles or not is specified by the UseTypeInRendering flags in the set_labels part of the read_data file).

Plotting non-gas particles on top of rendered plots

An option to plot non-SPH particles on top of Rendered plots (e.g. sink particles) can be set when turning particle types on/off via the turn on/off particles by type option in particle plot (o)ptions (see Plotting non-gas particles (e.g. ghosts, boundary, sink particles)).

Using ghost particles in the rendering

See Plotting non-gas particles (e.g. ghosts, boundary, sink particles).

Turn off plotting of gas particles

Particles can be turned on or off by type via the turn on/off particles by type option in particle plot (o)ptions. See Plotting non-gas particles (e.g. ghosts, boundary, sink particles).

Plotting dark matter particles

To plot dark matter particles (e.g. for the gadget read) the particle type corresponding to dark matter particles must be turned on via the turn on/off particles by type option in particle plot (o)ptions. Turning this option on means that dark matter particles will appear on particle plots.

To make Rendered plots of dark matter (e.g. showing column density), it is necessary to define smoothing lengths and a fake “density” for the dark matter particles. If your data read already supplies individual smoothing lengths for dark matter particles, the only thing to do is define a fake density field with a constant value (e.g. \(\rho = 1\) for all dark matter particles). The actual density value does not matter, so long as it is non-zero, as the rendering for density does not use it unless the normalise interpolations option in the (r)endering options is set (which it is not by default). This is because SPLASH constructs the weight:

\[w_{part} = \frac{m_{part}}{\rho_{part} h_{part}^{\nu}},\]

(see Price 2007) and then interpolates for any quantity A using

\[A_{pixels} = \sum_{part} w_{part} A_{part} W_{kernel},\]

so if \(A = \rho\) then the actual rho value cancels.

For the GADGET data read you can define the smoothing length for dark matter particles by setting the environment variable GSPLASH_DARKMATTER_HSOFT (see sec:gsplash for details), which also triggers the creation of a fake density column as required. With this variable set dark matter particles are treated identically to SPH particles and can be rendered as usual (although the only meaningful quantity to render is the density). A much better way is to define smoothing lengths individually for dark matter particles, for example based on a local number density estimate from the relation

\[h \propto n^{-1/3}, \hspace{0.5cm} \textrm{where} \hspace{0.5cm} n_{i} = \sum_{j} W_{ij}.\]

Actually, none of this should be necessary, as the gravity for dark matter should be softened with smoothing lengths defined like this in the first place. The historical practice of fixed softening lengths has arisen only because of confusion about what softening really means (and worries about energy conservation with adaptive softening lengths). What you are trying to do is solve Poisson’s equation for the dark matter density field, defined with a kernel density estimate and using fixed softening lengths is not a way to get a good density… but don’t get me started, read [PM07] instead.


For simulations using both SPH and dark matter particles, dark matter particles will contribute (incorrectly) to the SPH rendering when the environment variable is set and the plotting of dark matter particles is turned on. Thus to plot just gas column density in this case, dark matter particles must be turned off [via the particle plot (o)ptions], and similarly to plot just dark matter density if both SPH and dark matter particles are present, SPH particles must be turned off.

Plotting a column density plot of dark matter/N-body particles

See Plotting dark matter particles.

Plotting sink particles

Sink particles will be plotted on particle plots once turned on via the turn on/off particles by type option in particle plot (o)ptions. Setting this option also gives a prompt for whether or not to plot sink particles on top of Rendered plots (to which the answer should be yes). See Plotting non-gas particles (e.g. ghosts, boundary, sink particles) for more details.

To plot sink particles as a circle scaled to the sink radius, select the appropriate marker type (32-35) in the change graph markers for each type option in particle plot (o)ptions. This allows plotting of particles of a given type with circles, filled or open, proportional to their smoothing lengths. Thus, the smoothing length for sink particles needs to be set to their accretion radius (or at least proportional to it).


A good option for sink particles is to print “outlined” filled circles (marker 34) — these show up on both black or white backgrounds.

Plotting sink particles with size proportional to the sink radius

See Plotting sink particles.

Plotting a point mass particle with physical size

See Plotting sink particles.

Changing graph markers for each particle type

The graph markers used to plot each particle type can be changed via the change graph markers for each type option in the particle plot (o)ptions. The full list of available markers is given in the documentation for giza (also similar to the markers used in pgplot).

SPLASH also allows the particles to be marked by a circle proportional to the smoothing length for that particle, implemented as marker types 32-35 under the change graph markers for each type option in the particle plot (o)ptions.

Plotting each particle type in a different colour

Each particle type can be plotted in a different colour via the set colour for each particle type option in the particle plot (o)ptions.

Changing the order in which different particle types are plotted

The order in which particle types are plotted can be changed via the change plotting order of types option in particle plot (o)ptions. For example, it is possible to make dark matter particles be plotted on top of gas particles rather than the default which is vice-versa. This is only implemented for particle types which are stored contiguously (one after the other) in the data read, rather than mixed in with each other.

Plotting using lines instead of dots (e.g. for energy vs time plots)

An option to plot a line joining all of the points on a plot can be set via the plot line joining particles option in particle plot (o)ptions. When set, this option plots a line connecting the (gas only) particles in the order that they appear in the data array. Useful mainly in one dimension or when plotting ascii data, although can give an indication of the relative closeness of the particles in memory and in physical space in higher dimensions. The line colours and styles can be changed.

To plot the line only with no particles, turn off gas particles using the turn on/off particles by type option from particle plot (o)ptions.

Plotting multiple lines with different colours/line styles and a legend

When multiple timesteps are plotted on the same physical page, the line style can be changed instead of the colour (this occurs when the change colour option is chosen for multiple steps per page – see the change plots per page option in the (p)age options.

Joining the dots

See Plotting using lines instead of dots (e.g. for energy vs time plots).

Plotting the size of the smoothing circle around selected particles

On coordinate plots this option plots a circle of radius \(2h\) around selected particles. This is primarily useful in debugging neighbour finding routines. Where only one of the axes is a coordinate this function plots an error bar of length \(2h\) in either direction is plotted in the direction of the coordinate axis. See also Locating a particular particle in the data set for more details.

Locating a particular particle in the data set

The best way to locate a particular particle in the data set is to use the plot smoothing circles option in particle plot (o)ptions, e.g:

Please enter your selection now (y axis or option):o5
------------- particle plot options -------------------
 Note that circles of interaction can also be set interactively
Enter number of circles to draw ([0:100], default=0):1
Enter particle number to plot circle around ([1:959], default=1): 868

then upon plotting a coordinate plot (e.g. x vs y), particle 868 will be plotted with a circle of size \(2h\) which makes it easy to distinguish from the other particles. See also Plotting the size of the smoothing circle around selected particles.

Plotting in different coordinate systems (e.g. cylindrical coordinates)

The coordinates of position and of all vector components can be transformed into non-cartesian coordinate systems using the change coordinate system option in particle plot (o)ptions. For example, a dump file with columns as follows:

  1) x                     6) log density
  2) y                     7) v\dx
  3) z                     8) v\dy
  4) particle mass         9) v\dz
  5) h
 10) multiplot [  4 ]      m) set multiplot
Please enter your selection now (y axis or option):

choosing particle plot (o)ptions, option 7) and choosing cylindrical coordinates then produces;

 You may choose from a delectable sample of plots
  1) r                     6) log density
  2) phi                   7) v\dr
  3) z                     8) v\dphi
  4) particle mass         9) v\dz
  5) h

transforming both coordinates and vectors into the chosen coordinate system.


Rendered plots are also possible in coordinate systems other than those native to the file.


For 3D SPH simulations, extra columns will appear in the menu in cylindrical or spherical coordinates allowing plots of azimuthally-averaged surface density and Toomre Q parameter. For more details see Plotting azimuthally-averaged disc surface density and Toomre Q parameter.

Details of the coordinate transformations are given in Coordinate transforms.

If you have a coordinate system you would like implemented, please email me the details!

Plotting vector components in different coordinate systems

See Plotting in different coordinate systems (e.g. cylindrical coordinates).

Plotting orbital velocities

See Plotting in different coordinate systems (e.g. cylindrical coordinates).

Plotting against azimuthal angle/cylindrical radius/etc

See Plotting in different coordinate systems (e.g. cylindrical coordinates).

Plotting the exact solution to common test problems

Turn on plot exact solution in particle plot (o)ptions

The following exact solutions are provided

  • Any arbitrary function y = f(x,t) (can be plotted on any or all of the plots). The functions to be plotted can also be specified by creating a splash.func file with one function per line.

  • Hydrodynamic shock tubes (Riemann problem) – a full solution is provided for all types of waves propagating in either direction.

  • Spherically-symmetric 3D sedov blast wave problem.

  • Polytropes (with arbitrary \(\gamma\))

  • One and two dimensional toy stars. This is a particularly simple test problem for SPH codes described in [MP04].

  • Linear wave. This simply plots a sine wave of a specified amplitude, period and wavelength on the plot specified.

  • MHD shock tubes (tabulated). These are tabulated solutions for 7 specific MHD shock tube problems.

  • h vs \(\rho\). This is the exact solution relating smoothing length and density in the form \(h \propto (m/\rho)^{1/\nu}\) where \(\nu\) is the number of spatial dimensions.

  • radial density profiles. For various models commonly used in \(N-\)body simulations.

  • Exact solution from a file. This option reads in an exact solution from the filename input by the user, assuming the file contains two columns containing the \(x-\) and \(y-\) coordinates of an exact solution to be plotted as a line on the plot specified.

Details of the calculation of the exact solutions are given in Exact solutions. An example plot using the Sedov blast wave exact solution is shown in Fig. 8.

sedov exact solution

Fig. 8 Example of a plot utilising the Sedov blast wave exact solution. Taken from [RP07].

Plotting an exact solution from a file

See Plotting the exact solution to common test problems. One of the options for exact solution plotting is to read the exact solution from either one or a sequence of ascii files, such that the results are plotted alongside the particle data. The filename(s) can be specified by the user and will be saved to the ‘splash.defaults’ file so that the solution(s) will be read and plotted on subsequent invocations of splash .

Changing the exact solution line style & colour

The line style and colour of the exact solution line can be changed via the exact solution plot options option in particle plot (o)ptions. This option can also be used to turn on/off calculation of various error norms together with an inset plot of the residual error on the particles. See Exact solutions for details of the error norms calculated.

Setting the number of points used in an exact solution calculation

The number of points used in an exact solution calculation can be changed via the exact solution plot options option in particle plot (o)ptions.

Plotting an inset plot of residual errors from an exact solution

An inset plot of residual errors between the plotted points and an exact solution calculation can be turned on via the exact solution plot options option in particle plot (o)ptions.

(l)imits menu


Using plot limits which adapt automatically for each new plot

Adaptive plot limits can be set using option 1 of the (l)imits menu. Different settings can be applied to coordinate axes and non-coordinate axes. Changing plot limits interactively and pressing s in Interactive mode will change this option back to using fixed limits.

Using adaptive plot limits for the colour bar but not for the coordinates

Adaptive plot limits can be set individually for coordinate axes and non-coordinate axes (e.g. the colour bar) via the use adaptive/fixed limits option in the (l)imits menu. See Using plot limits which adapt automatically for each new plot.

Setting plot limits manually

Plot limits can be set manually using option 2) of the (l)imits menu (or simply l2 from the main menu). Alternatively you can edit the splash.limits file created by (s)aving your settings prior to invoking splash (this file simply contains the minimum and maximum limits for each column on consecutive lines).

Making plot limits relative to a particular particle

Particle tracking limits (i.e., where a chosen particle is always at the centre of the plot and limits are set relative to that position) can be set via the make xy limits relative to particle option in the (l)imits menu. Alternatively particle tracking limits can be set interactively by pressing t in Interactive mode with the cursor over the particle you wish to track.


This option only works if particle identities are preserved between timesteps in the data files


With particle tracking limits set, the radius calculated via the calculate extra quantities option in the (d)ata options is calculated relative to the tracked particle.

Centreing on a sink particle can also be achieved using the SPLASH_CENTRE_ON_SINK environment variable (see Environment variables).

Plotting in a comoving reference frame

A co-moving reference frame can be set using the make xy limits relative to particle option in the (l)imits menu. Coordinate limits are then centred on the selected particle for all timesteps, with offsets as input by the user. This effectively gives the ‘Lagrangian’ perspective. See Making plot limits relative to a particular particle for more details. Centreing on a sink particle can also be achieved using the SPLASH_CENTRE_ON_SINK environment variable.

Setting the origin to correspond to a particular particle

See Making plot limits relative to a particular particle.

Tracking a particle

See Making plot limits relative to a particular particle.

Setting the origin to the position of the \(n\)th sink particle

This can be achieved using the make xy limits relative to particle option in the (l)imits menu. For example, to track the first sink particle we would proceed as follows:

Please enter your selection now (y axis or option):l3
------------------ limits options ---------------------
To track particle 4923, enter 4923
To track the 43rd particle of type 3, enter 3:43

Enter particle to track: (default="0"): 3:1

where 3:1 indicates the first particle of type 3. The origin is set to the position of this particle and limits are relative to its position. See Making plot limits relative to a particular particle for more details.

Plotting radial plots around sink particles

First, set the origin to the location of the sink, as described above. Then simply change to spherical coordinates using the change coordinate systems option in particle plot (o)ptions. Alternatively, compute the radius using the calculate extra quantities option in the (d)ata options.

Automatically adapting plot limits to match aspect ratio of output device

An option to automatically adjust the plot limits to match the aspect ratio of the output device is given in the (l)imits menu, and is also prompted for whenever the paper size is changed (via the change paper size option in the (p)age options, see Changing the size of the plotting surface).

Plotting with log axes.

Log axes can be set either interactively (by pressing l with the cursor over the desired axis) or manually via the apply log or inverse transformations to columns option in the (l)imits menu. To use logarithmic axes labels as well, see Using logarithmic axes labels.

Plotting the square root, inverse or square of a quantity

Columns can be logged, inverted, sqrt-ed, squared or any combination of the above via the apply log or inverse transformations to columns option in the (l)imits menu. If you have any additional transformations you would find useful please let me know, as it is straightforward to add more.

Resetting limits for all columns

Limits for all columns can be reset to their minimum and maximum values from the current dump file via the reset limits for all columns option in the (l)imits menu. See Interactive mode for details of resetting plot limits for a particular plot interactively.

Restoring all plot limits to their minimum and maximum values in the current dump file

See Resetting limits for all columns.

Using a subset of data restricted by parameter range

You can use only a subset of the particles in both particle plots and Rendered plots, according to restrictions on any or all of the data columns (for example, using only particles with \(\rho > 10\), in the 3D box \(x,y,z \in [-0.1, 0.1]\)). Whilst this has always been possible by selecting, colouring and/or hiding particles in Interactive mode (see Rendering using only a subset of the particles), the difference here is that the selection is based, for each timestep, strictly on the parameter range, rather than being a selection based on particle identity. This means that the parameter range is also saved to the splash.limits (i.e., by (s)aving your settings) and is shown when splash launches via lines such as:

>> current range restrictions set:

 (  1.693E-01 < x <  1.820E-01 )
 (  2.205E-01 < y <  2.265E-01 )
 (  7.580E-06 < density <  2.989E-05 )

>> only particles within this range will be plotted
   and/or used in interpolation routines

or more usually:

>> no current parameter range restrictions set

Parameter range restrictions can be set either manually via the (l)imits menu (option 7) or interactively by selecting a region in the plot and pressing ‘x’, ‘y’ or ‘r’ to restrict using the \(x\), \(y\) or both \(x\) and \(y\) limits of the selected area respectively (pressing ‘R’ instead removes all currently set restrictions). Another way of setting manual range restrictions is simply to edit the splash.limits file directly (this simply contains the min and max limits for each column, followed optionally by a third and fourth column specifying, respectively, the min and max of the range restriction).

Plotting only particles with \(\rho > 10\), \(u > 20\) and \(-0.25 < x < 0.25\)

Plotting a subset of the particles restricted by a parameter can be achieved by setting a parameter range restriction (which does not change between timesteps – see Using a subset of data restricted by parameter range), or alternatively by an interactive selection based on particle identity (see Rendering using only a subset of the particles).

(r)endering options


Changing the number of pixels in a rendered image

The number of pixels in a rendered image can be set manually using the (r)endering options, option 1 (or simply type r1 from the main menu). The number set is the number of pixels along the \(x-\)axis. The number of pixels along the \(y-\)axis is determined by the aspect ratio of the plot.

The number of pixels used in an image is, by default, automatically determined by the actual number of pixels available on the graphics device, which depends in turn on the size of the page (the page size can be set manually in the (p)age options – see Changing the size of the plotting surface). For vector (non-pixel) devices such as postscript, svg or pdf, the number of pixels is set to \(1024/\textrm{n}\), where n is the number of panels across the page.

Changing the colour scheme

The colour scheme used for Rendered plots can be changed either by pressing m or M in Interactive mode to cycle through the available schemes or manually by using the change colour scheme option in the (r)endering options.

A demonstration of all the colour schemes can be also be invoked from this menu option. Setting the colour scheme to zero plots only the contours of the rendered quantity (assuming that plot contours is set to true). The colour schemes available are shown in Fig. 9.

splash colour schemes

Fig. 9 splash colour schemes

User contributed colour schemes are eagerly invited (just send me either: a table of r,g,b colour indices [if you know them] or just an image of a colour bar you wish to reproduce and I will add it).

Plotting contours as well as the rendered image

Contours of either the rendered pixel array or of another (separate) quantity can be plotted on top of Rendered plots by setting the plot contours option from the (r)endering options. With this option set, an extra prompt will appear after the render prompt asking the user for a quantity to be contoured. The contoured quantity can also be set via the command line options (Command line options). If the rendered and contoured quantities are the same, further prompts appear which enable the limits for the contour plot to be set separately to the render plot. These limits are also saved separately in the splash.limits file when written.


To plot contours instead of the rendered image, use the change colour scheme option from the (r)endering options and choose colour scheme 0 (contours only).

Plotting contours instead of a rendered image

To plot contours instead of the rendered image, use the change colour scheme option from the (r)endering options and choose colour scheme 0 (contours only).

Changing the number of contour levels

The number of contour levels used whenever contours are drawn can be set via the change number of contours option in the (r)endering options. The contour levels can also be manually specified (see Setting the contour levels manually).

Setting the contour levels manually

As of v1.15.0, contour levels can be set manually by creating a file called splash.contours in the current directory (or prefix.contours if the splash -p prefix is specified on the command line). This file should contain one contour level per line, optionally with a label for each contour, e.g.

1.e-2  level 1
1.e-1  level 2
0.1    my really great contour
1.0    hi mum

Adding numeric labels to contours

An option to write numeric labels on contours appears as part of the change number of contours option in the (r)endering options.

Adding arbitrary contour labels

Contours can also be labelled manually by creating a splash.contours file. See Setting the contour levels manually.

Turning the colour bar off/ moving the colour bar label

The colour bar can be turned on or off and the style chosen (e.g. horizontal vs vertical) and for the vertical bar, the label moved closer to the bar itself, via the colour bar options option in the (r)endering options.

To change the text in the colour bar label, see Changing the label used for 3D projection plots.

Changing the style of the colour bar

The colour bar style (i.e., vertical vs. horizontal, plot-hugging vs. non plot-hugging, one-sided vs. two-sided, floating vs. fixed) can be changed via the colour bar options option in the (r)endering options. If you want a different style implemented, email me!

Using a horizontal colour bar

An option to use a horizontal colour bar instead of the default vertical arrangement is given in the colour bar options option in the (r)endering options.

Using ‘plot-hugging’ colour bars

See Changing the style of the colour bar.

Using floating/inset colour bars

See Changing the style of the colour bar.

Plotting ticks on only one side of the colour bar

See Changing the style of the colour bar.

Changing the text in the colour bar label

See Changing the label used for 3D projection plots.

Using coloured particles instead of rendering to pixels

As a simpler alternative to interpolating to a pixel array, particles can simply be coloured according to the value of a particular quantity by setting the use particle colours not pixels option in the (r)endering options. With this option set, Rendered plots are simply plotted by colouring the particles according to the rendered field. This is somewhat cruder but can be a good indication of where individual particles might be affecting results.


Any colouring of the particles set in Interactive mode will be overwritten by use of this option.

Using normalised interpolations

A normalised interpolation to pixels can be used by setting the normalise interpolations option from the (r)endering options. In general this leads to smoother rendering but also means that edges and surfaces appear more prominently (and a bit strange). The rule-of-thumb I suggest is to use this option when there are no free surfaces in the simulation.


Normalising a 3D column density rendering means plotting the quantity \(\int \rho {\rm d}z / \int {\rm d}z\), which is a bit meaningless. More useful is to turn on Density weighted interpolation, which gives a mass-weighted line of sight average. For example, plotting temperature, this would give \(\int \rho T {\rm d}z / \int \rho {\rm d}z\) which is more meaningful.

Speeding up the rendering on 3D column integrated plots

Interpolation on 3D column integrated plots can be made faster by setting the use accelerated rendering option in the (r)endering options. The reason this is an option is that it makes a small approximation by assuming that each particle lies exactly in the centre of a pixel. In general this works very well but is not set by default because it can produce funny looking results when the particles are aligned on a regular grid (e.g. as is often the case in initial conditions). Typical speed-ups range from \(\times 2\) up to \(\times 4\), so it is highly recommended for interactive work.

Density weighted interpolation

Density weighted interpolation (where a quantity is plotted times \(\rho\)) can be turned on in the (r)endering options.

Selecting and rendering only a subset of the particles

An example of how to render using only a selected subset of the particles was given in Rendering using only a subset of the particles.

Changing the label used for 3D projection plots

The labelling scheme used to determine the colour bar label can be changed via the customize label on projection plots option in the (r)endering options. Information specific to the quantity being rendered can be incorporated via format codes as follows:

Example format strings:
 \(2268) %l d%z %uz       : this is the default format "\int rho [g/cm^3] dz [cm]"
  column %l               : would print "column density" for density
 surface %l               : would print "surface density"
 %l integrated through %z : would print "density integrated through z"

Format codes:
%l  : label for rendered quantity
%z  : label for 'z'
%uz : units label for z (only if physical units applied)

Changing “column density” to “surface density” on 3D plots

See Changing the label used for 3D projection plots.

Changing the interpolation kernel

The kernel used for the interpolations is by default the M\(_{4}\) cubic B-spline, which has been standard in SPH calculations since the mid-1980’s. Other kernels can be selected via the change kernel option in the (r)endering options. The kernel can also be changed by setting the SPLASH_KERNEL environment variable to either the kernel name as listed in the (r)endering options, or something sensible resembling it. At present only a few kernels are implemented, with cubic , quartic and quintic referring to the M\(_{4}\), M\(_{5}\) and M\(_{6}\) B-splines with support of 2h and 3h, respectively. See [Price12] for more details.

(v)ector plot options


Changing the number of arrows on vector plots

See Changing the number of pixels in vector plots.

Changing the number of pixels in vector plots

The number of pixels used on Vector plots can be changed via the change number of pixels option in the (v)ector plot options. This controls the number and average size of the arrows which appear (i.e., one arrow is plotted at the centre of each pixel).

Changing the size of arrows on vector plots

The size of the arrows on Vector plots is proportional to the magnitude of the vector quantity at that pixel, where the maximum size is set from the maximum plot limit for the x, y and z components of the vector quantity being plotted such that the longest arrow fills one pixel. These limits can be changed manually via the (l)imits menu options. Where these limits are nowhere near the actual values of the vector field, arrows can appear either very big (just a line across the screen) or extremely small (appearing as just dots). Pressing w in Interactive mode automatically adjusts the arrows to sensible proportions (this is the equivalent of pressing a for non-vector quantities). Alternatively pressing v (to decrease) or V (to increase) can be used to adjust the arrow lengths (the change can be multiplied by 10 or more by first pressing z one or more times before pressing v or V).

Plotting vector arrows in white instead of black or vice-versa

Vector arrows are by default plotted using the current foreground colour index (i.e., as used for plotting the axes). To plot in the background colour index instead set the use background colour for arrows option in the (v)ector plot options.

Turning off the legend for vector plots

The legend which appears on Vector plots can be turned on or off via the vector plot legend settings option in the (v)ector plot options.

Moving the vector plot legend

The position of the Vector plots legend can be set either interactively by positioning the mouse and pressing H or manually via the vector plot legend settings option in the (v)ector plot options.

Plotting stream/fieldlines instead of arrows

To plot Vector plots that use stream/fieldlines instead of arrows, set the plot stream/field lines instead of arrows option in the (v)ector plot options. This option performs a simple integration of the interpolated vector field to get the stream function, the contours of which are then plotted


The number of contours can be changed via the change number of contours option in the (r)endering options. It is generally advantageous to use a larger number of pixels for the vector interpolation (See Changing the number of pixels in vector plots) to get smooth contours.

At present this option works quite well for smooth vector fields but can perform poorly for vector fields with strong gradients.

Turning arrow heads off for vector plots

Vector plots can be plotted using arrows without heads using the turn arrow heads on/off option in the (v)ector plot options.

Hiding vector arrows where there are no SPH particles

On Rendered plots often arrows can appear where there are apparently no SPH particles because the interpolation is performed to all pixels within \(2h\) of an SPH particle. Such arrows in regions of few or no particles can be hidden using the hide arrows where there are no particles option in the (v)ector plot options. A threshold number of particles for each pixel can be specified, below which no arrow will be plotted on that pixel.

Plotting a vector plot in a cross section slice

Vector plots are either in a Cross section or are column integrated projections depending on the setting of the switch between cross section/projection option in the (x) cross section/3D plotting options. Setting this to cross section and plotting Vector plots produces a vector plot in a cross section slice.

Making all arrow the same length (i.e., showing direction only, not magnitude)

An option to plot all vector arrows of the same length (instead of the default option where the length of the arrow is proportional to the vector magnitude) can be set from the (v)ector plot options.

(x) cross section/3D plotting options


Plotting a cross section slice through 3D data

When plotting Rendered plots of 3D data, the default option is to plot a column-integrated plot. To change this to a Cross section, use option 1) in the (x) cross section/3D plotting options (switch between cross section/projection). See Basic splash usage for examples of how this works. An oblique Cross section can be set interactively using the x key, see Taking an oblique cross section interactively which works by setting a combination of rotation and a Cross section position.

Plotting a cross section line through 2D data

In 2D, setting the switch between cross section/projection option in the (x) cross section/3D plotting options to Cross section means that Rendered plots are in fact a 1D Cross section (i.e., a line) through 2D data. The position of the line is completely arbitrary (i.e., can be set for oblique cross sections as well as straight lines) and is set interactively after the usual \(y-\) and \(x-\) axis prompts.

Rotating the particles

An angle of rotation about may be set each axis may be set in the (x) cross section/3D plotting options using the rotation on/off/settings option or interactively (press h in Interactive mode to see the exact keystrokes). The position of the origin about which particles are rotated can be set from the rotation on/off/settings option in the (x) cross section/3D plotting options. Rotated axes or boxes can be plotted using the set axes for rotated/3D plots option in the same menu.

Rotations are performed in the order \(z-y-x\). This means that the \(y-\) rotation angle is an angle about the new \(y-\)axis, defined by the \(z\) rotation and similarly for the \(x-\) rotation. If you think about it long enough, it makes sense. If in doubt, do it interactively and set the angles in the order \(z-y-x\).

Setting the origin about which particles are rotated

The origin about which particles are rotated and relative to which the radius is calculated when the calculate extra quantities option is set in the (d)ata options can be changed via the rotation on/off/settings option in the (x) cross section/3D plotting options.

Adding 3D perspective

3D perspective can be turned on via the 3D perspective on/off option in the (x) cross section/3D plotting options. Prompts for setting the perspective position then appear after the usual prompts for y and x axes, Rendered plots and Vector plots, i.e., something like the following:

Please enter your selection now (y axis or option):2
(x axis) (default=1):
 (render) (0=none) ([0:20], default=0):
 (vector plot) (0=none, 7=B, 10=v, 17=J) ([0:17], default=0):
 enter z coordinate of observer (default=1.800):
 enter distance between observer and projection screen ([0.000:], default=0.1800):
 Graphics device/type (? to see list, default /xwin):

3D perspective is defined by two parameters: a distance to the observer \(zobs\) and a distance between the observer and a screen placed in front of the observer, \(dscreen\). The transformation from usual \(x\) and \(y\) to screen \(x'\) and \(y'\) is then given by

\[\begin{split}\begin{aligned} x' & = & x*dscreen/(zobs-z), \nonumber \\ y' & = & y*dscreen/(zobs-z).\end{aligned}\end{split}\]

This means that objects at the screen distance will have unit magnification, objects closer than the screen will appear larger (points diverge) and objects further away will appear smaller (points converge). The situation could be beautifully illustrated if I could be bothered drawing a figure. I have found reasonable results with something like a \(1/10\) reduction at the typical distance of the object (i.e., observer is placed at a distance of \(10\times\) object size with distance to screen of \(1\times\) object size). splash sets this as default using the z plot limit as the ‘object size’.


The position of the 3D observer in \(z\) can also be changed in Interactive mode using u or U (to move ’up’) and d or D (to move down).

Using 3D surface rendering

3D surface rendering (turned on using the 3D surface rendering on/off option in the (x) cross section/3D plotting options) performs a ray-trace through the particle data, thus visualising the “last scattering surface”. When set, the user is prompted for an “optical depth” before plotting which determines the position of the surface. Only applies to 3D data. When set with cross-section (instead of projection), particles at or below the z value of the slice are used.

For examples of the 3D surface rendering in splash , have a look at my movies of neutron star mergers:

Plotting 3D box / 3D axes

Rotated axes or boxes can be plotted using the set axes for rotated/3D plots option in the (x) cross section/3D plotting options.

Setting up animation sequences

Animation sequences can be set via the set animation sequence option in the (x) cross section/3D plotting options. At present the possible sequences that can be added are:

1 : steady zoom on x and y axes
2 : steady rotation
3 : steady change of limits (e.g. for colour bar)
4 : steady movement of 3D observer
5 : sequence of cross section slices through a 3D box
6 : steady change of opacity for 3D surface plots

Up to one sequence of each type can be added (i.e., up to 6 in total) with different start and end points (specified in terms of dump file number), with the additional possibility of inserting extra frames between dump files (e.g. to plot a sequence of frames consisting of a changing view of the same dump file).

Animation sequences can also be set using e in Interactive mode. To set a sequence interactively first adjust the plot settings to correspond to the start of the sequence (pressing s to save if this is done in Interactive mode). Then in Interactive mode move to the dump file you want to be the end-point and also adjust the plot settings to correspond to the end-point of your desired sequence (i.e., adjust the colour bar limits and/or adjust the rotation angle and/or the x/y limits and/or the 3D observer position and/or the opacity). Then, rather than pressing s (which would make these become the default plot settings) press e instead, saving these settings as the end-point of the desired animation sequence. This can be done multiple times to set multiple sequences.

Animation sequences set up in this manner are saved to a file called splash.anim either when prompted (if setting sequences non-interactively) or by pressing ’S’ from the main menu which then saves both the splash.limits and splash.anim files in addition to the usual splash.defaults file.

Note: Animation sequences act on a ‘per page’ basis rather than simply ‘per frame’. This means that you can produce a multi-panelled movie (e.g.) showing the evolution of different runs side by side, with the same animation sequence applied to each.

Plotting a sequence of frames rotating a data set through 360 degrees

This can be achieved by setting an animation sequence with a steady change of rotation angle. See Setting up animation sequences.

Plotting a ‘fly-around’ of 3D data

This can be achieved by setting an animation sequence with a steady change of rotation angle. See Setting up animation sequences.

Plotting a flythru of 3D data

A sequence of Cross section slices progressively deeper into a 3D box or alternatively a steady movement of the 3D observer (on projection plots) can be plotted by setting up an animation sequence. See Setting up animation sequences.

Adding a steady zoom sequence to a movie

A steady change of \(x-\) and \(y-\) limits can be added by setting up an animation sequence. See Setting up animation sequences.

Adding a steady change of colour bar limits

A steady change of limits on the colour bar over one or more dump files for a movie can be implemented by setting up an animation sequence. See Setting up animation sequences for details.

Adding steady movement of the 3D observer

The position of the 3D observer can be steadily changed over several dump files (or several frames produced of the same dump file) by setting up an animation sequence. See Setting up animation sequences for details.

Miscellaneous other useful things

My attempt at in-built help


The My attempt at in-built help does nothing particularly useful apart from tell you about menu shortcuts (see Keyboard shortcuts to menu options). It seemed like a good idea at the time…

Keyboard shortcuts to menu options


Menu options which normally require two keystrokes (e.g. x menu, option 1) can be shortcut to by simply typing the letter and number together at the main menu prompt (so e.g. x1 for x menu, option 1, r2 for render menu, option 2, etc.).

Exiting splash


(q)uit, unsurprisingly, quits. Typing a number greater than the number of data columns also exits the program (e.g. I often simply type 99 to exit).